Interface ResultMatrix

All Superinterfaces:
AppPages, ComplexCalculationResult, Portlet, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ResultMatrix extends ComplexCalculationResult, AppPages, Portlet
This class is used to transport a calculated matrix-style result It is basically a list of maps with the addition that the column names are clearly named and can have a format This means: - the UI knows exactly which columns to display (even if some maps do not have those as keys) - the entry maps can have more "columns" (or keys) than those that are displayed; maybe useful for calculation
  • Method Details

    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Gets the current title
      The current title
    • setTitle

      default void setTitle(String title)
      Sets the title that will be shown as window title of the result matrix in the client
      title - The title
    • withTitle

      ResultMatrix withTitle(String title)
      Sets the title that will be shown as window title of the result matrix in the client
      title - The title
    • getPreferenceName

      String getPreferenceName()
      Gets the preference name
      The preference name
    • isPreferencesDisabled

      boolean isPreferencesDisabled()
      Tells whether saving of matrix grid preferences is disabled.
      true if saving of grid preferences is disabled. Default is false
      7.2 Bijou PR2
    • setDisablePreferences

      default void setDisablePreferences(boolean disablePreferences)
      Allows to disable saving preferences of the matrix grid (columns, sorting, filtering). If not disabled, the preferences may be be saved with the global dashboard preferences or attached to a specific preferences name defined with setPreferenceName()/withPreferenceName()
      disablePreferences - true means saving grid preferences is disabled. Default is false
      7.2 Bijou PR2
    • withDisablePreferences

      ResultMatrix withDisablePreferences(boolean disablePreferences)
      Allows to disable saving preferences of the matrix grid (columns, sorting, filtering). If not disabled, the preferences may be be saved with the global dashboard preferences or attached to a specific preferences name defined with setPreferenceName()/withPreferenceName()
      disablePreferences - true means saving grid preferences is disabled. Default is false
      7.2 Bijou PR2
    • isSortingDisabled

      boolean isSortingDisabled()
      UI sorting of matrix grid
      true if sorting is disabled on all columns. Default is false
    • setDisableSorting

      default void setDisableSorting(boolean disableSorting)
      Set sorting capability in UI grid
      disableSorting - true: sorting is disabled in UI on all columns
    • withDisableSorting

      ResultMatrix withDisableSorting(boolean disableSorting)
      Set sorting capability in UI grid
      disableSorting - true: sorting is disabled in UI on all columns
    • isEscapeHTML

      boolean isEscapeHTML()
      Is HTML escaping enabled?
      true if the matrix should display raw text as is (i.e. not try to interpret it as HTML)
    • setEscapeHTML

      default void setEscapeHTML(boolean escapeHTML)
      Set HTML escaping flag. Default: false (i.e. values will be interpreted as HTML)
      escapeHTML -
    • withEscapeHTML

      ResultMatrix withEscapeHTML(boolean escapeHTML)
      Set HTML escaping flag. Default: false (i.e. values will be interpreted as HTML)
      escapeHTML -
    • setPreferenceName

      default void setPreferenceName(String preferenceName)
      Sets the so-called preference name. I.e. all result matrixes with the same preference name will share the same preference setting. The preference setting can be managed as usual in the client and can be set as global to predefine a good setting
      preferenceName - The preference name
    • withPreferenceName

      ResultMatrix withPreferenceName(String preferenceName)
      Sets the so-called preference name. I.e. all result matrixes with the same preference name will share the same preference setting. The preference setting can be managed as usual in the client and can be set as global to predefine a good setting
      preferenceName - The preference name
    • addColumnTranslation

      default void addColumnTranslation(String column, Map<String,String> translations)
      Adds translated labels for the given column.
      column - The column name (as defined e.g. in the constructor)
      translations - A map with the translations. The key of the map is the locale, like "de".
    • withColumnTranslation

      ResultMatrix withColumnTranslation(String column, Map<String,String> translations)
      Adds translated labels for the given column.
      column - The column name (as defined e.g. in the constructor)
      translations - A map with the translations. The key of the map is the locale, like "de".
    • getColumnTranslations

      Map<String,String> getColumnTranslations()
      Gets current column translations in raw format
    • addColumn

      default void addColumn(String column)
      Adds a column to the existing set of columns
      column - The columns name
    • withColumn

      ResultMatrix withColumn(String column)
      Adds a column to the existing set of columns
      column - The columns name
    • addColumn

      default void addColumn(String column, String tooltip)
      Adds a column to the existing set of columns including a tooltip
      column - The columns name
    • withColumn

      ResultMatrix withColumn(String column, String tooltip)
      Adds a column to the existing set of columns including a tooltip
      column - The columns name
    • addColumns

      default void addColumns(Collection<String> columns)
      Adds columns to the existing set of columns
      columns - Collection of columns names
    • withColumns

      ResultMatrix withColumns(Collection<String> columns)
      Adds columns to the existing set of columns
      columns - Collection of columns names
    • withFrozenColumns

      ResultMatrix withFrozenColumns(Collection<String> frozenColumns)
      Define columns as frozen. New call of the method will replace the values from a previous call. The duplications are skipped
      The frozen columns collection needs to be a part of the ResultMatrix's columns (if not the exception is thrown)


           def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix()
                .withColumns('Column1', 'Column2', 'Column3')
           //Column1 will be frozen in UI
      frozenColumns - collection of columns' name
      ResultMatrix with frozenColumns collection
      ResultMatrixGroupingException.NotPartOfColumnsAttributeException - If frozenColumns are not part the ResultMatrix's columns property
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • addRow

      void addRow(Map<String,Object> row)
      Adds a data row. The keys of the row-map should match the column names defined earlier
      row -
    • getTotalRow

      Object getTotalRow()
      Retrieves a value assigned to the totalRow property within the ResultMatrix.
      totalRow An Object representing the totalRow value assigned by the withTotalRow method.
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • withTotalRow

      ResultMatrix withTotalRow(Object totalRow)
      Assigns any data to the totalRow property within the ResultMatrix. Uses the same format as a standard ResultMatrix row, you can also use a styled cell using styledCell().

      Enables you to add, for example, SUM calculations into this row.
      Note: Multiple calls of withTotalRow(Object) will override the previously set totalRow data.

               "MaterialNumber": "2100616",
               "ShipToNumber": "2003248",
               "SpecialPrice": 2.65,
               "ListPrice": 253,
               "SupplementalPrice": 1.99,
               "SupplementalRate": "0.66",
               "Percent": "98"
      totalRow - Any value defined by the Configuration Engineer (CE).
      ResultMatrix with updated totalRow value.
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • getGroupBy

      List<String> getGroupBy()
      immutable list of columns' names dedicated for grouping
      12.0 - Clover Club
      See Also:
    • getGroupByData

      List<List<Map<String,Object>>> getGroupByData()
      immutable collection of data grouped by predefined columns
      12.0 - Clover Club
      See Also:
    • getAggregationStrategy

      Map<String,Object> getAggregationStrategy()
      immutable Map of numeric column's name with aggregation value assigned to it
      12.0 - Clover Club
      See Also:
    • withGroupBy

      ResultMatrix withGroupBy(Collection<String> columns)
      Definition of columns' names dedicated for grouping. Columns passed in the collection need to be present in ResultMatrix columns' attribute. If, at least one column, is not part of the ResultMatrix columns' attribute, the ResultMatrixGroupingException.NotPartOfColumnsAttributeException will be thrown. Repetitive columns' names are removed.


           def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix('TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2', 'NumericColumn3', 'NumericColumn4')
           resultMatrix.withGroupBy(['TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2'])
           // TextColumn1 and TextColumn2 are now columns by which grouping will be done
           // The groupBy columns can be accessed by getGroupBy()
           def groupByColumns = resultMatrix.getGroupBy()
      columns - collection of columns' names for grouping, if null or empty the ResultMatrixGroupingException.NullOrEmptyException will be thrown.
      ResultMatrix with groupBy columns.
      12.0 - Clover Club
      See Also:
    • withColumnAggregation

      ResultMatrix withColumnAggregation(String numericColumn, ResultMatrixGrouping.AggregateFunctionType aggregateFunctionType)
      Aggregation strategy definition done by column-name-holding-numeric-values only (numericColumn) and aggregation type (aggregateFunctionType). Static import allowing for enum recognition is needed here: ResultMatrixGrouping.AggregateFunctionType. Aggregation type can be set by one of the AggregateFunctionTypes: AVG, SUM, COUNT, MAX or MIN


           // static import is needed to use predefined enum with aggregation type
           import static net.pricefx.server.dto.calculation.ResultMatrixGrouping.AggregateFunctionType.SUM
           // ResultMatrix with predefined columns, entries and groupBy columns
           def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix('TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2', 'NumericColumn3', 'NumericColumn4')
           resultMatrix.withGroupBy(['TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2'])
           resultMatrix.withColumnAggregation('NumericColumn3', SUM])
      numericColumn - column with numeric data to proceed aggregation. If column contains non-numeric data or is not present in ResultMatrix's columns collection, the ResultMatrixGroupingException.NotPartOfColumnsAttributeException will be thrown
      aggregateFunctionType - predefined aggregation type: AggregateFunctionType.AVG, AggregateFunctionType.SUM, AggregateFunctionType.COUNT, AggregateFunctionType.MAX or AggregateFunctionType.MIN
      ResultMatrix with aggregation strategy updated
      12.0 - Clover Club
      See Also:
    • withColumnAggregation

      ResultMatrix withColumnAggregation(String column, Object aggregateValue)
      Aggregation strategy definition done by column name and aggregation value (ex. some constant String). Aggregation value can be set as any Object.


           // ResultMatrix with predefined columns, entries and groupBy columns
           def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix('TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2', 'NumericColumn3', 'NumericColumn4')
           resultMatrix.withGroupBy(['TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2'])
           resultMatrix.withColumnAggregation('TextColumn1', 'some text'])
      column - column name, needs to be part of the ResultMatrix columns attribute
      aggregateValue - any object, which will be presented in the groupBy record
      12.0 - Clover Club
      See Also:
    • withColumnAggregations

      ResultMatrix withColumnAggregations(Map<String,Object> columnAggregations)
      Aggregation strategy definition done by Map with numeric columns' name and aggregation type or value. Aggregation value can be set as any Object or aggregation function ResultMatrixGrouping.AggregateFunctionType (AVG, SUM, COUNT, MAX or MIN)


           // static import is needed to use predefined enum with aggregation types
           import static net.pricefx.server.dto.calculation.ResultMatrixGrouping.AggregateFunctionType.SUM
           // ResultMatrix with predefined columns, entries and groupBy columns
           def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix('TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2', 'NumericColumn3', 'NumericColumn4')
           resultMatrix.withGroupBy(['TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2'])
           // Key in the columnAggregations needs to be the column's name which contains only numbers
           // Value in the columnAggregations can be any object or one of the AggregateFunctionType enum
           resultMatrix.withColumnAggregation([NumericColumn3 : SUM])
      columnAggregations - Map with numeric-column-name and aggregation type or value
      ResultMatrix with aggregation strategy updated
      12.0 - Clover Club
      See Also:
    • calculateGroupByData

      ResultMatrix calculateGroupByData()
      Proceed grouping with groupBy columns (if missing ResultMatrixGroupingException.NullOrEmptyException is thrown) for numeric columns and aggregation strategy passed by withColumnAggregation(String, Object) or withColumnAggregation(String, AggregateFunctionType) or withColumnAggregations(Map). If AggregateType has one of the predefined keywords (ie.: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MAX or MIN), the numeric operation will be proceeded on the numeric columns. This is terminal operation, which means, it needs to be called as the last one (after setting columns and groupBy)


           // (1) static import is needed to use predefined enum with aggregation types
           import static net.pricefx.server.dto.calculation.ResultMatrixGrouping.AggregateFunctionType.SUM
           // (2) new ResultMatrix with predefined columns
           def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix('TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2', 'NumericColumn3', 'NumericColumn4')
           // (3) add entries to the above ResultMatrix
           // (4) set groupBy columns, which needs to be a part of columns' collection from (1)
           resultMatrix.withGroupBy(['TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2'])
           // (5) set aggregation strategy for numericColumn3 as SUM, numericColumn3 needs to contains only numbers
           resultMatrix.withColumnAggregation('NumericColumn3', SUM)
           // (6) do the grouping and aggregation calculations, which also adds data to groupByData ResultMatrix property
           // (7) grouped and aggregated data can be accessed by the getter
           def groupByData = resultMatrix.getGroupByData()
           // Other getters allow for access to groupBy columns and aggregation strategy
           def groupByColumns = resultMatrix.getGroupBy()
           def aggregationStrategy = resultMatrix.getAggregationStrategy()
           // All operations can be chained to get the final groupBy data
           import static net.pricefx.server.dto.calculation.ResultMatrixGrouping.AggregateFunctionType.SUM
           def groupByData = api.newMatrix()
                   .withColumns('TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2', 'NumericColumn3', 'NumericColumn4')
                   .withGroupBy(['TextColumn1', 'TextColumn2'])
                   .withColumnAggregation('NumericColumn3', SUM)
      Note: When no rows (empty entries) are defined then the empty ResultMatrix is created.
      When aggregated rows are null the RESULT_MATRIX_NULL_ENTRIES_EXCEPTION exception is thrown.
      ResultMatrix with grouped and aggregated data (can be accessed by getGroupByData()
      12.0 - Clover Club
      See Also:
    • withEnableGroupByControls

      ResultMatrix withEnableGroupByControls(boolean enableGroupByControls)
      Turn on / off the controls globally.
        return api.newMatrix(['Tier', 'Item', 'Quantity'])
      enableGroupByControls - boolean value turning on or off the controls
      ResultMatrix with new value for enableGroupByControls
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • isEnableGroupByControls

      boolean isEnableGroupByControls()
      Default value (if not specified) is true
        def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix(['Tier', 'Item', 'Quantity'])
        resultMatrix.isControlsEnabled() == false
      boolean value true if controls are enabled (default value) or false if not
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • withShowGroupByControls

      ResultMatrix withShowGroupByControls(boolean showGroupByControls)
      Turn on / off group by controls.
      Can be enabled only if isEnableGroupByControls() is true
        return api.newMatrix(['Tier', 'Item', 'Quantity'])
      showGroupByControls - boolean value turning on or off the group by controls
      ResultMatrix with new value for showGroupByControls
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • isShowGroupByControls

      boolean isShowGroupByControls()
      Default value (if not specified) is true
        def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix(['Tier', 'Item', 'Quantity'])
        resultMatrix.isGroupByControlsShown() == false
      boolean value true if group by controls are enabled (default value) or false if not
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • withShowGroupByColumns

      ResultMatrix withShowGroupByColumns(boolean showGroupByColumns)
      Turn on / off group by columns visibility (enabled by default)
        return api.newMatrix(['Tier', 'Item', 'Quantity'])
      showGroupByColumns - flag turning on or off the group by columns
      ResultMatrix with new value for showGroupByColumns
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • isShowGroupByColumns

      boolean isShowGroupByColumns()
      Default value (if not specified) is true
        def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix(['Tier', 'Item', 'Quantity'])
        resultMatrix.isGroupByColumnsShown() == false
      boolean value true if group by columns are shown (default value) or false if not
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • withGroupByColumnLabel

      ResultMatrix withGroupByColumnLabel(String groupByColumnLabel)
      Set group by columns label


        return api.newMatrix(['Tier', 'Item', 'Quantity'])
      groupByColumnLabel - custom label for the group by column
      ResultMatrix with new value for groupByColumnLabel
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • getGroupByColumnLabel

      String getGroupByColumnLabel()
        def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix(['Tier', 'Item', 'Quantity'])
        resultMatrix.getGroupByColumnLabel() == 'myLabel'
      String value of group by column label
      13.0 - Rampur
      See Also:
    • addRow

      default void addRow(List<Object> row)
      Adds a data row. The order of the values is assumed to be the same as the matrix column order.
      row - Row as List
    • withRow

      ResultMatrix withRow(List<Object> row)
      Adds a data row. The order of the values is assumed to be the same as the matrix column order.
      row - Row as List
    • withRows

      ResultMatrix withRows(List<Map<String,Object>> rows)
      Adds multiple data rows. The keys of the row-map should match the column names defined earlier
      rows - Row as List of Maps
    • addRow

      void addRow(Object... values)
      Adds a data row. The order of the values is assumed to be the same as the matrix column order.
      values - Row as Array
    • getColumns

      List<String> getColumns()
      Gets a list of defined columns
      The columns
    • getFrozenColumns

      List<String> getFrozenColumns()
      Gets a list of frozen columns
      The frozen columns list
    • getEntries

      List<Map<String,Object>> getEntries()
      Returns the current list entries as a list (=the rows) of maps (= the row content)
      List of maps
    • findRow

      Map<String,Object> findRow(String key, Object value)
      Retrieves a particular row based on a value check
      key - The column name to search on
      value - The value to match the row's column value to
      The row
    • transpose

      default ResultMatrix transpose(String newHeaderColumnName)
      Transpose the matrix.


       ProductGroup | AvgPrice | AvgMargin <- header row
       Beef     |   4.1€   |   3.6%
       Pork     |   2.2€   |   1.1%
       Lamb     |   4.6€   |   5.2%

      Transposed matrix:


      ProductGroup | Beef | Pork | Lamb <- header row --------------------------------- AvgPrice | 4.1€ | 2.2€ | 4.6€ AvgMargin | 3.6% | 1.1% | 5.2%

      newHeaderColumnName - Name of the column that will become the new header row
      The transposed ResultMatrix (new instance)
    • transpose

      default ResultMatrix transpose(String newHeaderColumnName, String oldColLabelsInNewColumnName)
      Transpose the matrix.


       ProductGroup | AvgPrice | AvgMargin  <- header row
       Beef     |   4.1€   |   3.6%
       Pork     |   2.2€   |   1.1%
       Lamb     |   4.6€   |   5.2%

      Transposed matrix:

       transpose("ProductGroup", "PG Label")

      Beef | Pork | Lamb | PG Label <- header row ----------------------------------- Beef | Pork | Lamb | ProductGroup 4.1€ | 2.2€ | 4.6€ | AvgPrice 3.6% | 1.1% | 5.2% | AvgMargin

      newHeaderColumnName - Name of the column that will become the new header row
      oldColLabelsInNewColumnName - Name of the new column that will receive the old column headers as values (optional)
      The transposed ResultMatrix (new instance)
    • toMatrix2D

      default Matrix2D toMatrix2D()
    • setDefaultFormat

      default void setDefaultFormat(FieldFormatType fft)
      Sets a default column format
      fft -
    • withDefaultFormat

      ResultMatrix withDefaultFormat(FieldFormatType fft)
      Sets a default column format
      fft -
    • getDefaultFormat

      FieldFormatType getDefaultFormat()
      Gets the default format
      Default format
    • getColumnFormats

      Map<String,FieldFormatType> getColumnFormats()
      Gets individual column formats (if specified)
      A Map with column name and format
    • setColumnFormat

      default void setColumnFormat(String column, FieldFormatType fft)
      Sets a column format for a specified column. Consider using withColumnFormats(Map) instead of setColumnFormat() where applicable.
      column - The column name
      fft - The format
    • withColumnFormat

      ResultMatrix withColumnFormat(String column, FieldFormatType fft)
      Sets a column format for a specified column
      column - The column name
      fft - The format
    • withColumnFormats

      default ResultMatrix withColumnFormats(Map<String,FieldFormatType> columnFormats)
      Sets a column formats for multiple columns. Adds a column if not existing yet.
      Example – Creates (and returns) a new ResultMatrix object with specified columns and sets the format type of each column using withColumnFormats(). Adds rows using the api.find().:
       def products = api.find("P", 0, 10, null, ["sku", "label", "currency"])
       def resultMatrix = api.newMatrix().withColumnFormats([
       "sku" : FieldFormatType.TEXT,
       "label" : FieldFormatType.TEXT,
       "currency": FieldFormatType.TEXT
      columnFormats - A key-value map of columnName:FieldFormatType
      See Also:
    • getColumnTooltips

      Map<String,String> getColumnTooltips()
      Gets the currently assigned column tooltips
    • setColumnTooltip

      default void setColumnTooltip(String column, String tooltip)
      Adds a tooltip to a column
      column - The column name
      tooltip - The tooltip text
    • withColumnTooltip

      ResultMatrix withColumnTooltip(String column, String tooltip)
      Adds a tooltip to a column
      column - The column name
      tooltip - The tooltip text
    • isEnableClientFilter

      boolean isEnableClientFilter()
    • setEnableClientFilter

      default void setEnableClientFilter(boolean enableClientFilter)
    • withEnableClientFilter

      ResultMatrix withEnableClientFilter(boolean enableClientFilter)
    • styledCell

      ResultMatrix.StyledCell styledCell(Object value)
      Creates a styled cell that can then be added as row value
      value - The value of the cell
      The styled cell object that can then be further styled with e.g. the flow pattern .withXXX() methods
    • styledCell

      ResultMatrix.StyledCell styledCell(Object value, String textColor, String bgColor)
      Creates a styled cell that can then be added as row value
      value - The value of the cell
      textColor - The text color of the cell
      bgColor - The background color of the cell (HTML hex value)
      The styled cell object
    • styledCell

      ResultMatrix.StyledCell styledCell(Object value, String textColor, String bgColor, String weight)
      Creates a styled cell that can then be added as row value
      value - The value of the cell
      textColor - The text color of the cell
      bgColor - The background color of the cell (HTML hex value)
      weight - The font weight
      The styled cell object
    • styledCell

      ResultMatrix.StyledCell styledCell(Object value, String textColor, String bgColor, String weight, String alignment)
      Creates a styled cell that can then be added as row value
      value - The value of the cell
      textColor - The text color of the cell
      bgColor - The background color of the cell (HTML hex value)
      weight - The font weight
      alignment - Cell alignement value (valid CSS)
      The styled cell object
    • imageCell

      ResultMatrix.ImageCell imageCell(Object value)
      Creates an image cell that can then be added as row value. Value should be a valid image URL
      value - The image URL
      The image cell object
    • libraryImage

      ResultMatrix.ImageCell libraryImage(String mainName, String statusName)
    • linkToPriceGrid

      default ResultMatrix.LinkCell linkToPriceGrid(Object value, long priceGridID, Filter filter)
    • linkToPriceList

      default ResultMatrix.LinkCell linkToPriceList(Object value, long priceListID, Filter filter)
    • linkToPriceParameter

      default ResultMatrix.LinkCell linkToPriceParameter(Object value, long priceParameterID)
    • linkCell

      ResultMatrix.LinkCell linkCell(Object value, String targetPage, Object targetPageState)
    • linkButtonCell

      ResultMatrix.LinkButtonCell linkButtonCell(Object value, String targetPage, Object targetPageState, Object buttonState)
      Displays a button inside a cell of the table.

      Simple button example:

           def targetPageState = [quoteType: 'Quote with Inputs in Header', Customer: 'custId']
           def cell = matrix.linkButtonCell('New Quote', AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE, targetPageState, null)
           matrix.addRow('Customer A', 'Value X', cell)

      Advanced button example:

           def customerPageState = [Customer: 'custId']
           def groupPageState = [customerFieldName:'customerId', customerFieldValue:custId]
           def builder = api.inputBuilderFactory()
                            .createQuoteType("New quote")
           def cell = matrix.linkButtonCell('cell value' /*not displayed*/, AppPages.QC_NEW_QUOTE, groupPageState, builder)
           matrix.addRow('Customer A', 'Value X', cell)

      Note: This is available in Unity UI only. No backporting planned for the Classic UI.

      9.0 Hurricane
    • backEndAction

      ResultMatrix.BackEndCell backEndAction(String label, String url, String payload, String successMessage, String failMessage)
    • rowSelectionBackEndAction

      ResultMatrix.BackEndAction rowSelectionBackEndAction(String id)

      Allows UI users to select multiple rows and adds an action button next to the ResultMatrix. Multiple such action buttons can be defined, identified by the provided id String.

      The action will be handled by a dedicated logic, which receives an InputMatrix parameter named after the provided id and featuring the row values of a subset of the columns.


           def matrix = api.newMatrix("col1", "col2", "col3")
           matrix.addRow(1, "a", "f")
           matrix.addRow(2, "b", "g")
                       .withColumns("col2", "col3")
                       .withButtonLabel("Click here")

      Note: This is available in Unity UI only. No backporting planned for the Classic UI.

      See ResultMatrix.BackEndAction to explore the full list of methods allowing to configure an action.

      id - a String identifying the action
      a customizable object representing an action button, which the UI will then render and make functional
      7.0 Bijou
    • downloadButton

      ResultMatrix.DownloadCell downloadButton(String label, String url, String payload)
    • cells

      ResultMatrix.Cells cells(String label, Object... cells)
    • onRowSelection

      ResultMatrix.OnRowSelection onRowSelection()
      Configures a client-side UI event. Use case is usually a refresh of some sort when a result matrix row is selected Example:
       matrix.onRowSelection().triggerEvent(api.dashboardWideEvent("CustomerIdChanged-ED")).withColValueAsEventDataAttr("CustomerID", "customerId")
      The embedded dashboard that receives the event could then look like:
        return api.dashboard("EmbeddedDashboard")
          // Here the user can assign values to the embedded
          // dashboard inputs common to all three modes
          .setParam("Customer Id", input."Customer Id")
          .setParam("Year", input.Year)
          // Show the dashboard embedded ...
          // ... and reevaluate it on "CustomerIdChanged-ED"
          // Note: "dashboardWideEvent()" fce makes the event local
          // to the containing dashboard instance
          // Pull the "customerId" attribute out of the event payload and expose it
          // as the "Customer Id" input to the embedded dashboard
          .withEventDataAttr("customerId").asParam("Customer Id")
      The selection event to further configure it in a flow pattern
    • getResultType

      default String getResultType()
      Specified by:
      getResultType in interface ComplexCalculationResult
    • addFormatsToResultMatrix

      void addFormatsToResultMatrix()
    • normalizeDateTimes

      void normalizeDateTimes()
      Search for non null FieldFormatType.DATETIME columns and convert them into DateTime