Pricefx Backend Server - Caribou Lou 14.2.0-SNAPSHOT API

Welcome to the documentation for the Pricefx Groovy API, a flexible solution for configuring the Pricefx system.

Using the Groovy language you can manipulate data, create and read user inputs, lookup data, execute logics, and much more within the given Pricefx partition.

Examples (internal access only)

Requires internal access permissions! As the current Groovy API documentation does not yet provide examples for some methods, you can also search for code snippets via

Groovy API Fulltext Search (experimental)

As the standard Groovy API documentation (Javadoc) lacks a fulltext search by design, we provide you with an experimental version of Groovy API fulltext search (allows also search through other documentation sources).

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Pricefx REST API Documentation

In case you need to perform an HTTP call, you can find the desired endpoint and request/response examples in our REST API documentation.

Release Notes

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Pricefx Unity Documentation

Documentation for the Pricefx Unity user interface.


The version of Groovy currently used for the Pricefx configuration and the Java version used on the backend.

Groovy 2.4.21
JDK 17
Provides histogram class.
Filter is used by the Search class to specify a restriction on what results should be returned in the search.
Provides several classes commonly used in Pricefx API.
Chart API to work with charts.
Provides CalculationFlow API.
Chart Builder API to work with charts.
Calculable Line Item Collection (clicoll) API can be used to manipulate Quotes, Contracts and Rebate Agreements from header logic.
CompensationBuilder API allows to manipulate a rebate agreement object from a header logic.
ContractBuilder API allows to manipulate a contract object from a header logic.
QuoteBuilder API allows to manipulate a quote object from a quote header logic.
RebateAgreementBuilder API allows to manipulate a rebate agreement object from a header logic.
Defines set of data transfer object (DTO) classes.
Provides set of util classes.
Defines set of domain object classes.
Provides Formula Engine API classes.
Provides API related to scripting, including interface PublicGroovyAPI, that represents what can be reached in the Groovy element syntax as api.
Provides InputBuilderFactory as a convenient way to create Inputs.
Defines set of data transfer object (DTO) classes.
Defines set of data transfer object (DTO) classes related to Calculations.
Provides Dashboard API classes.
Provides StreamResults interface.
Provides ItemSummaryQuery interface.
Provides Workflow API.