Package net.pricefx.common.apibuilder.calculationflowaction

package net.pricefx.common.apibuilder.calculationflowaction
Provides CalculationFlow API.
  • Classes
    CalculationFlowActionBuilder is the starting point of an interface that allows you define actions within calculation flow logic.The calculation flow action builder is available in calculation flow by this call:
    def builder = actionBuilder
    Note that you will find full code snippets in the "Command Templates/Calculation Flow Examples" inside calculation flow formulas UI.
    CFSAction<T extends Help>
    This action starts calculation of selected CFS.
    DataLoadAction<T extends Help>
    This action starts calculation of selected data load.
    ExportAction<T extends Help>
    This action starts exporting or archiving.
    LivePriceGridAction<T extends Help>
    This action starts calculation of selected LPG for all skus or restricted set of skus.
    ManualPricelistAction<T extends Help>
    This action starts calculation of selected manual pricelist.
    ModelCalculationAction<T extends Help>
    If nothing is specified, all the steps of the model will be calculated.
    ObjRefAction<T extends Help>
    This action starts calculation of selected rebate record set records.
    PricelistAction<T extends Help>
    This action starts calculation of selected pricelist.
    RebateRecordAction<T extends Help>
    This action starts calculation of selected rebate record set records.
    ScheduleSettings<T extends Help>
    This action is helping you to get an information about schedule as seen in the UI + if needed alter it.
    SimulationAction<T extends Help>
    This action starts calculation of selected simulation.